The three seven day-drama and music camps for young people aged 12 to 18 will be led by the Barnstorm team. Participants will devise and rehearse an entirely original musical that will be performed at the end of the week. Both weeks will both be open to the same age group and have very different themes. Every participant will get the chance to write lyrics, influence the story line, develop interesting characters, choreograph movement and a whole lot more! Everyone is guaranteed a speaking part and there are no auditions, Barnstorm is hard work: the working days are from 9am – 9pm!
Week One Summerstorm - Slade Farm, Stroud
Sunday 20th July – Sunday 27th July 2025
Slade Farm is the home of Sarah and Richard Kingdom and family. The young people will camp in their own tents on the farm and perform in the Barnstorm Stretch Tent. All meals are provided.
Week One will commence at 1pm on the Sunday and finish, after clearing up, at 12.00 noon on the following Sunday. All participants will go home on the Tuesday evening and return at 10.00am on Wednesday morning. No one, apart from the team will be allowed to stay on site on Tuesday night; if you think this might be a problem please mention it in good time so that arrangements can be made for you to stay with other participants. The performances are on Friday 25th July at 8pm and Saturday 26th July at 4pm and 8pm.
Directors: Suki Hutcheson, Stella Kesavaram & Rob Kempner
Week Two Hillstorm – May Hill
Sunday 27th July – Sunday 3rd August 2025
The May Hill site is made up of May Hill Village Hall, the next door cottage and gardens of Jordans Place (home of Tessa & Jon Kemp) and the nearby Scout Field. The young people will camp in their own tents in the field and perform in the Barnstorm Stretch tent. All meals are provided.
Week Two will commence at 1pm on the Sunday and finish, after clearing up, at 12.00 noon on the following Sunday. All participants will go home on the Tuesday evening and return at 10.00am on Wednesday morning. No one, apart from the team will be allowed to stay on site on Tuesday night; if you think this might be a problem please mention it in good time so that arrangements can be made for you to stay with other participants. The performances are on Friday 1st at 8pm and Saturday 2nd at 4pm and 8pm.
Directors: Tessa Kemp, Richie Dobson & Jez Taylor
Week Three Noxstorm – Noxon, Lydney
Sunday 10th August – Sunday 17th August 2025
Noxon is a farm near Lydney in the Forest of Dean. It is the home of Abi and Will Leabright and family. The young people will camp in their own tents on the farm and perform in the Barnstorm Stretch tent or one of the barns. All meals are provided.
Week Three will commence at 1pm on the Sunday and finish, after clearing up, at 12.00 noon on the following Sunday. All participants will go home on the Tuesday evening and return at 10.00am on Wednesday morning. No one, apart from the team will be allowed to stay on site on Tuesday night; if you think this might be a problem please mention it in good time so that arrangements can be made for you to stay with other participants. The performances are on Friday 15th at 8pm and Saturday 16th at 4pm and 8pm.
Directors: Richie Dobson, Abi Leabright & Jez Taylor
In addition to the actual residential weeks there is a devising day workshop. This is completely free and optional to attend. It’s a great chance to meet the cast and team and check out the venue. It is hoped that enough material will be gathered to enable the team to develop three scenarios before the Barnstorms begin. Bring a packed lunch and we’ll provide the tea and biscuits!
Week One Cast – Summerstorm - Sunday 6th July 10.00am – 5.00pm
Location: Slade Farm, Stroud, Gloucestershire
Week Two Cast – Hillstorm - Saturday 12th July 10.00am to 5.00pm
Location: Jordans Place, May Hill, Gloucestershire
Week Three Cast – Noxstorm - Sunday 13th July 10.00am to 5.00pm
Location: Noxon, Nr Lydney, Gloucestershire
Commitment to Barnstorm
Barnstorm is a full-time commitment. The Team have unanimously agreed that Barnstorm should take a very clear line on this. Participants will not be allowed to arrive late, leave early or take time off in the week for any reason. If you cannot commit to Barnstorm 100% please do not apply. This includes leaving after the performance no matter how tired you are! Anyone who does not comply with the rules will not be able to take part in future Barnstorms.
Barnstorm is a ‘no alcohol’ week for all the cast, whatever their age. We ask all actors and their parents to support this policy.
Leaving the site
None of the cast are allowed to leave the site during Barnstorm even if they have their own car and even if they are on a mission to buy thank you presents!
This year the cost will be £396 per participant (including a non-refundable £100 deposit). If your application is successful and you have been allocated a week you will asked to pay in full or pay in instalments.
We really appreciate extra help during the week, particularly with: front of house, running the bar and clearing up on the last day. All participants will be asked to supply a cake for 10 or make an alternative cash donation if this is difficult for you.
Applications will open on the 1st January 2025 at 10am, Click on the link below which will take you to the application form (hosted by Jotform) You can indicate which week you would prefer or if you would like to be with be with a particular friend.
If you tick 'any week would be great', you have the highest chance of getting a place.
We will let you know as soon by the end of the month if your application has been successful.
We ask everyone to apply afresh each year, even if you have applied before to be on a reserve list.
You will immediately receive a message confirmation that we have received your application. We will let you as soon as we can if we can offer you a place.